About Us

Foundation for Industrial Development 

In many developing countries, access to these products is limited due to poverty, lack of infrastructure, and other barriers. As a result, preventable illnesses and diseases spread rapidly, leading to increased morbidity and mortality rates.

Foundation ID’s mission, Clean Hands for Life®, is to provide sanitizing products in developing countries to improve public health and reduce the spread of disease. Clean Hands partners with local non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and government agencies to ensure that the products are distributed effectively and that people in the community are educated on their use.

In addition to providing these products,  Clean Hands works to educate communities on proper hygiene practices and the importance of regular hand washing and other sanitation measures. This outreach will promote proper hygiene and sanitation practices, making these resources more accessible at a national scale for the most vulnerable. 

Sanitizing products can provide a convenient and effective way to disinfect surfaces and kill germs, especially in areas where water and soap are not readily available. Hand sanitizers can also be a useful alternative to hand washing when water is scarce or when hand washing facilities are not available.